Toto, stylized as TOTO, is today the largest bathroom furniture maker. It was established in 1917 and today is extremely popular for producing the Washlet, adult product line, and related derivative products. The company is now based in Kitakyushu, Japan, where it manufactures most of its products. TOTO believes that a toilet is more than just a convenience; it is also an expression of the individual’s style.
TOTO believes that a person’s personal hygiene is a reflection of his or her personality. To achieve this, they manufacture flushing toilet seats in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes, materials, and finishes. For example, a customer can order a “big red” totoilet to fit in with a country home or Japanese-themed suite. A black and white ceramic flushing device fits in well with traditional bathroom designs. The best toto toilet seats are made from solid rubber or other strong, waterproof materials. This guarantees that the seat will stand up to constant use.
TOTO manufactures a variety of washlets for people to choose from. Washlets come with a basic wet to dry design, or a “smart washlet,” which allows the user to pre-lubricate the toilet seat and dry in the privacy of their own bathroom. The smart wallet, however, lacks a lid, so it can be used as a standalone washcloth. TOTO also manufactures “pleasure to use” toilets, which are shaped like a banana and have a button on the side that adjusts the level of water in the toilet. These toilets are not to be used in public bathrooms.
Other toilet seats and accessories by TOTO include a heated seat, air dryer, bidet wand, a hand held shower device, and many more. Most of the TOTO toilet seats, however, do not come with a bidet wand. One great accessory that you may find with TOTO is the heated seat. Many models come with a built in heat setting that allows users to adjust the temperature of the seat to their liking. Some users have found that a heated seat makes using the toilet more comfortable.
Another popular item with TOTO is their heated toilet seats. They offer two different types of heated seats. The first, the ProFIT (furniture inside out) model offers the most flexible settings to help you maintain your perfect fit. The second, the iFit (in furniture in the style of a toga), has a button on the side that switches between two different heating settings. Either seat can be adjusted to your liking; the only thing you will need to decide on is what temperature you prefer.
All in all, TOTO is one of the best manufacturers of washlet toilets for the bathroom. With the vast variety of accessories available, you are sure to find the right model for your bathroom. Whether it is a bidet or heated seat, a toilet paper holder or towel rack, or an attached bidet and holder, there is surely a TOTO toilet that will suit your needs. No matter what type of bathroom you are looking to renovate, from a contemporary bathroom to a traditional bathroom, you are sure to find a TOTO toilet that will make your bathroom come to life.